MyCash Now is the most significant development in Utah’s unclaimed property history since the Unclaimed Property Division of the Office of State Treasurer was created in 1957.
Legislation passed during the 2023 Utah General Session authorizes the Unclaimed Property Division to cross-check databases, proactively locate certain types of unclaimed property owners, and automatically initiate payment without the need for additional paperwork.
Under the MyCash Now program, Utah Tax Commission data and Utah Unclaimed Property data are securely matched to verify an owner’s identity and recent address. The state treasurer can then automatically issue a check to rightful owners who are owed $2,000 or less without requiring them to file a claim.
If you receive a MyCash Now letter:
- Make sure your name is listed correctly. If there is an error in your name you may be unable to cash or deposit your unclaimed property check.
- Make sure your address is listed correctly. If the mailing address listed is not your current address, the United State Post Office will NOT forward the letter containing your check.
To update your name or address contact the Unclaimed Property Division by phone at 801-715-3300 or email at [email protected] to correct the information.
If your information is correct, NO ACTION IS NEEDED. You will receive your check automatically after six weeks.
Verify the authenticity of the letter
Utahns can check the authenticity of the letter by verifying the Claim ID listed on the letter against the state treasurer’s system at mycash.utah.gov\app\claim-status-search or by contacting the division at 801-715-3300 or [email protected].
Owners with more than $2,000 will also receive a letter
Owners with more than $2,000 matched through the program will receive a letter notifying them of their lost money. They will need to submit a signed claim form and, in some cases, additional documentation to receive their property.
Some owners with more than $2,000 of unclaimed property matched through the program will receive a call from Outreach Specialist Karece Thompson. Karece can be reached via email at [email protected] or phone at 385-383-5600.
If you aren't matched through MyCash Now
While we are excited to automatically return lost money to tens of thousands of Utahns, there are many properties that won’t be matched through the program. We encourage all Utahns, including those who received money as part of the match, to search the database at mycash.utah.gov at least once a year to find and claim their lost money.
Staff Contact:
Policy and Communications Deputy
Brittany Griffin
(801) 918-1411
[email protected]
Karece Thompson
(385) 383-5600
[email protected]