Millions of dollars in unclaimed property are turned over to the state every year. This lost money comes from sources like dormant bank accounts, uncashed checks, safe deposit box contents, and unpaid insurance benefits. When a business owes money to an individual it cannot find, it remits those funds to the Office of State Treasurer's Unclaimed Property Division after three years of non-contact with the owner. The Unclaimed Property Division consistently strives to make record-breaking unclaimed property payouts to rightful owners, reuniting millions of dollars with Utahns every year.
As part of the division's efforts, we have partnered with the Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center to create a tool to search unclaimed property data by census tract, county, senate district, and house district. The data helps guide our outreach efforts and leverage partnerships to get this money back where it belongs — into the pockets of Utahns and ultimately, the local economy.
To search for unclaimed property and learn more about the Unclaimed Property Division, visit
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